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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-07-12 12:45:06  浏览:8329   来源:法律资料网
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第一条 为使物资管理工作适应技术监督事业发展的需要,根据国家有关物资工作的方针政策,结合我局实际情况,制定本办法。
第二条 本办法适用于国家技术监督局的直属、直供单位及计量仪器生产归口厂。
第三条 物资管理工作要为基建、科研、技改、生产、维修服务,要励行节约,反对浪费,发扬自力更生、艰苦奋斗的精神,做好物资计划分配和使用管理工作。
第四条 综合计划司是国家技术监督局物资管理的职能部门,其主要任务:
第五条 统配物资计划的编制原则是保证重点、兼顾一般、综合平衡、全面安排。
第六条 统配物资计划包括:钢材、水泥、木材、有色金属、生铁、焦炭、统配汽车、检测专用等计划及进口机电仪外汇计划。
第七条 统配物资的分配范围:
第八条 统配物资计划的编报程序和要求:
第九条 统配物资的分配,按照物资部下达的预拨指标和全年指标每年两次,其中统配汽车和检测专用车指标以及机械制造钢材指标每年下达一次。
第十条 物资分配计划采取划转指标和直接订货两种方式,民口的钢材、水泥、木材、有色金属、军工口的木材和有色金属采取划转指标的做法。军工口汽车、钢材、水泥和民口部分钢材指标采取直接订货的做法。
第十一条 各单位接到计划指标后,要积极疏通渠道落实货源,确保国家统配物资分配计划的落实和订货合同的兑现。对于造成浪费又不及时反映问题的单位视其情况停止供应物资。
第十二条 对品种、规格不适用的可以通过互相调剂串换解决,不准将计划内物资转为计划外销售盈利。
第十三条 各单位要根据此办法制定本单位物资管理的规章制度。
第十四条 各单位要加强对计划内材料的管理,注意节约、回收和综合利用。
第十五条 基建材料只能用于已批准的计划内建设项目,不得挪作他用。
第十六条 基建项目在工程竣工验收时要做到工完料尽,结余的材料要及时上报,并提出处理意见,未经审批不得自行处理。
第十七条 各单位每年终要对物资的管理使用进行一次全面检查。
第十八条 对管理不善造成严重损失者,视其情况责成单位领导给予行政处分。
第十九条 本办法由国家技术监督局负责解释。
第二十条 本办法自公布之日起实施。

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2. 关于合同部分条款的效力



中国民用航空总局 等




Interpretation of the General Administration of Civil Aviation ofChina of Certain Issues of the Notice Concerning Relevant Policieslicences on Foreign Investment in Civil Aviation

(Promulgated on October 25, 1994)

Whole document

Interpretation of the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China of
Certain Issues of the Notice Concerning Relevant Policies licences on
Foreign Investment in Civil Aviation
(Promulgated on October 25, 1994)
The promulgation of the Notice Concerning Relevant Policies on Foreign
Investment in Civil Aviation (hereinafter referred to as the Notice) is
another fundamental move of our country to further open to the outside
world. In order to ensure the correct comprehension and implementation of
the Notice, an interpretation on certain issues with regard to the Notice
is hereby made as follows:
1. On the issue of the scope in which foreign investors may invest in
the construction of airports, the investment in the flying areas shall
include that for flight assisting light in addition to the runway, taxiway
and parking apron as stipulated in Item 1, Section 1 of the Notice.
2. On the issue of investment, "capital contribution from the Chinese
side shall constitute more than fifty-one per cent" in Item 2, Section 1
means the same as "with the Chinese capital investment constituting more
than fifty-one per cent of the enterprise's registered capital" in the
second half of Item 1, referring to the rate of the Chinese capital
contribution to the enterprise's registered capital.
3. On the issue of investment ratio
In establishing Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures or cooperative
joint ventures for single construction of airport flying areas as provided
for in Item 1, Section 1 of the Notice or for joint construction of any
one or more of the auxiliary projects as listed in Item 2 of the same
section, or for a comprehensive construction of an airport, the Chinese
capital contribution shall, in any case, constitute more than fifty-one
per cent of the enterprise's registered capital, and the offices of
chairman of the board of directors and of general manager shall be assumed
by personnel from the Chinese side.
In Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures or cooperative joint ventures
for single construction of the terminal building as provided for in Item
2, Section 1 of the Notice or for joint construction of any one or more of
the auxiliary projects listed in the section, the Chinese capital
contribution shall, in any case, constitute more than fifty-one per cent
of the enterprise's registered capital, and the offices of chairman of the
board of directors and of general manager shall be assumed by personnel
from the Chinese side.
Where Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures or cooperative joint
ventures established for foreign investment in civil airport flying areas
as provided for in Item 2, Section 1 of the Notice need to increase the
investment amount to enlarge the business scope and engage in the
operation of the auxiliary projects as listed in the item, the Chinese
capital contribution shall also constitute more than fifty-one per cent of
the enterprise's registered capital, and an application shall be submitted
for approval in light of the regulated procedure.

4. "Foreign investment in establishment of air transport enterprises"
stated in Section 2 of the Notice refers to the investment made by foreign
investor (s) in the air transport enterprises already established, which
shall be examined and approved in the same way as the establishment of an
enterprise with foreign investment and the conditions for such an
enterprise shall be fulfilled, but does not mean the establishment of a
new air transport enterprise. According to the State Council decision on
temporarily ceasing to examine and approve establishment of new airline
companies, foreign investors may only make investments in the air
transport enterprises already legally established.
5. The issue of "jointly holding shares" stated in Item 2, Section 2
of the Notice means that Chinese air transport enterprises and foreign air
transport enterprises may, on the condition of reciprocity, jointly hold
each other's shares and effectively cooperate in market operation, with no
personnel from one side to the other side's managing circle for
participation in management control.
6. On the issue of "choosing one or two air transport enterprises as
experimental units" as stated in Item 3, Section 2 of the Notice, the
China East Airlines and the China South Airlines that are carrying out the
experimental reform of stock system and getting ready for listing outside
China are, after approval, among the experimental units put forward in the
Notice. An increasing of the experimental units shall be subject to
otherwise decision and announcement of the General Administration of Civil
Aviation of China.

7. On the issue of the foreign investment in an air transport
enterprise, if a foreign investor invests in an air transport enterprise
in any of the forms stipulated in these Regulations, the proportion of his
investment or the capital actually paid in the registered capital of an
air transport enterprise shall not exceed thirty-five per cent, his
deputy's right to vote shall not exceed twenty-five per cent of that of
the board of directors, and his right to vote in the shareholders'
conference or shareholders' meeting shall not exceed twenty-five per cent
8. "Home enterprises of the same kind" as stated in Item 6, Section 2
of the Notice refers to the existing local air transport enterprises with
no foreign investment. And "all items of tax" mainly refers to the import
duties of aircrafts, air material, enterprise income tax, etc. in which
two kinds of enterprises with and without foreign investment shall enjoy
equal treatment so as to ensure them an equal competition environment.
9. In terms of the general-purpose agriculture and forestry aviation,
Section 3 of the Notice states that foreign investors may invest in
general-purpose agricultural and forestrial airline enterprises only.
General-purpose airline enterprises other than agricultural and forestial
airline enterprises are outside the scope of foreign investment.
10. "According to law" as stated in Section 5 of the Notice means
"according to" the State laws administrative regulations, rules of the
General Administration of Civil Aviation of China and other relevant
11. If a company, enterprise or other economic organization or
individual from Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macao invests in or participates in
holding shares of a civil aviation enterprise on the mainland, matters
shall be handled under this Interpretation.

